Please Note: Many insurance deductibles reset as of January 1st. Our practice requires payment for all deductibles, copays, non-covered services, and any outstanding balances prior to your appointment at the time of check-in.

Office Locations:
ReFocus Eye Health
87 Grandview Avenue
Waterbury, Connecticut 06708
Phone: (203) 596-1517
About Dr. Bosjolie
Meet Dr. Angela L. Bosjolie, a distinguished ophthalmologist and surgical retina specialist with over a decade of transformative practice. Renowned for her expertise, Dr. Bosjolie has transitioned her focus exclusively to retinal care, where her passion and proficiency truly shine.
Her commitment to advancing the understanding of retinal disorders is unparalleled. Dr. Bosjolie has shared her insights with the medical community through numerous enlightening lectures. Her expertise spans a broad spectrum, including diabetic eye health, age-related macular degeneration, and the complexities of flashes and floaters.
Dr. Bosjolie specializes in treating conditions like macular degeneration, diabetic and hypertension retinopathy, macular holes, macular puckers, retinal tears, and retinal detachments.
- Waterbury, CT
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